Do you know about this core exercise mistake?

Video transcript

Danny, a chef, had a sore back from moving heavy pots on and off the stove. He had been doing this for more than 30 years. His back often caused him pain.

When I met him his back was really bothering him. He told me he had been going to Pilates classes for 10 years and while his back was better than before he went, he was in pain most of the day.

He was also doing his own exercises at home most days to help build up core strength and overall muscle tone.

He started the Core Mastery Program wanting to get stronger. He was tired of having a sore back. As well as back pain, his right shoulder was also often sore from the work he did daily in the kitchen.

He tried the BACpillow. He found it very comfortable to lie on. He took a BACpillow home and used it to do a simple core strengthening exercise every evening for 3 minutes.

After just 4 weeks of practicing the core strengthening skills using the BACpillow, he no longer had back pain. He found he could work in his kitchen pain free.

Strengthening your core can help reduce back pain and using a tool like the BACpillow can help you get results faster.