How to find your core muscles ...

there maybe more to it than you have been told


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Have you been asked to do core exercises? ... but where is it ?

Many people with sore backs have been asked to do core exercises. But they don't know exactly where it is. If asked they will point to their mid tummy but the core is much more than that.

The core muscles start right at the base of your hips where your stomach muscles connect into the pubic area, at the base of your pelvis. The stomach muscles come up the front and sides of you and go right around you and connect into the diaphragm area at the ribs.  Your core is consists of the pelvic floor, stomach muscles, spine muscles . They wrap right around  your spine. Some people consider the glutes as part of the core but for the purposes of my discussion I will leave them out. However, they are definitely involved in supporting the spine and need to strong for a healthy back.

If you are just doing exercises that mostly involve the center of your stomach then you are missing out on involving other areas of the core that you need to also strengthen.

Sometimes it can be hard to find the lower abdominal muscles as it doesn't seem natural.   That's where the BACpillow comes in!

Use the BACpillow to help you find the lower core muscles. Without those muscles you aren't going to get the strong core you want.

Pop the base of your skull on the high point of the pillow. Make sure you are comfortable and your spine is supported. Have your hips balanced on the coccyx bone. You need to have body awareness from the base of your hips to your chest because that where your core muscles are.

The pillow is supporting my neck and shoulders so that I can relax my upper body.

Whenever I am doing my exercises on the pillow I know I am getting a connection to the base of me.

Without the pillow, typically I find my back flattens onto the floor and only the centre of my core seems to work , not my whole core.

The BACpillow helps me strengthen my core more accurately and quickly. It helps you identify your whole core.

Buy yours now by clicking on the Order Now button!

Click Order Now to purchase your BACpillow

Just $97 plus postage

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